1.19. Downloadable Files¶
To place a downloadable file in a document, use the download
To understand the procedure better, see this
:download:`example script </_downloads/contributing/example_script.py>`.
Downloadable files with a dedicated context to a specific part of the
documentation should also be placed exactly at this point in the source
tree of the documentation. Other common artefacts should be put in the
documentation root or the /_downloads/
subdirectory, and they
should be in a subdirectory with the same name as the document in which
they appear (that is, the filename without the .rst
¶ For more details, see
role.- The example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
All artifacts were selected and download by using this references: * matplotlib example: |ellipses.py| (published as `ellipses.py`_) .. |ellipses.py| replace:: :download:`ellipses.py </_images/mplplots/ellipses.py>` .. _`ellipses.py`: https://matplotlib.org/gallery/shapes_and_collections/ellipse_demo.html#ellipse-rotated
- Which gives
All artifacts were selected and download by using this references:
matplotlib example:
(published as ellipses.py)