Li-Pro.Net Sphinx Primer
Table of Contents
1. Concepts
1.1. Use of whitespace
1.1.1. Indentation
1.2. Sphinx naming
1.2.1. Roles
1.2.2. Directives
1.2.3. Domains
1.3. Parts, Chapters, Titles, Sections
1.4. Table of Contents Tree
1.4.1. Sidebar navigation menu
1.4.2. Secondary sub-TOC trees
1.4.3. How this document uses main and secondary TOC
1.5. Paragraphs
1.5.1. Quotes (block quotation) Element
1.5.2. Line Blocks
1.5.3. Doctest Blocks
1.6. Inline Markup
1.7. File, Directory, Path
1.8. Lists, Definition Lists
1.8.1. Unordered (bullet) Lists
1.8.2. Ordered (numbered) Lists
1.8.3. Definition (description) Lists
Field (description) Lists
1.9. Explicit Markup
1.9.2. Directives
1.9.3. Footnotes
1.9.4. Citations
1.10. Reuse Content
1.10.1. Include a Shared File
1.10.2. Substitutions
Styled Reference
Use Prolog and Epilog
Inline Image
1.11. Images and Figures
1.11.1. SVG Graphics only
1.11.2. PNG Images only
1.11.3. Inserting
1.11.4. Inserting with Captions
1.11.5. Inserting Inline
1.12. Tables
1.12.1. Grid Style
1.12.2. Simple Style
1.12.3. List Table
1.12.4. CSV Table
1.13. Code Example
1.13.1. Explicit Code Blocks
1.13.2. Explicit Code Includes
1.14. Mathematics
1.15. Admonitions
1.15.1. Generic Admonition
1.15.2. Specific Admonitions
Attention Admonition
Caution Admonition
Danger Admonition
Error Admonition
Hint Admonition
Important Admonition
Note Admonition
Tip Admonition
Warning Admonition
1.15.3. Sphinx Additional Admonitions
Seealso Admonition
1.16. Hyperlink
1.17. Referencing
1.17.1. A cool section
1.18. External References
1.19. Downloadable Files
1.20. Semantic Descriptions and References
1.21. Writing about User Interface
1.21.1. Other Semantic Markup
1.22. Glossary
1.22.1. Create a Glossary
1.22.2. Link a Term to its Glossary Entry
1.23. Index
2. Extensions
2.1. Spelling Checker
2.1.1. Private Dictionaries
2.2. BibTeX Citations
2.3. LinuxDoc
2.3.1. Flat list table
2.4. Program Output
2.4.1. Complete output
2.4.2. Shortening the output
2.4.3. Mimicking shell input
2.4.4. Command execution and shell expansion
2.4.5. Error handling
2.5. Mathematical Plots
2.5.1. Expressions
2.5.2. Plots
2.6. PGF/TikZ LaTeX Pictures
2.6.1. PGF/TikZ
2.6.2. CircuiTikZ
2.6.3. TikZ-Timing
2.6.4. TikZ Goodies
2.6.5. TikZ-UML
2.7. Block Diagram Family
2.7.1. Block Diagram
Directive Body Diagram
Description Table
Include Diagram
2.7.2. Sequence Diagram
Directive Body Diagram
Description Table
Include Diagram
2.7.3. Activity Diagram
Directive Body Diagram
Description Table
Include Diagram
2.7.4. Network Diagram
Directive Body Diagram
Description Table
Include Diagram
2.8. Tabbed Content
2.9. Paneled Content
2.10. Email Obfuscate
3. Themes
3.1. Read the Docs Sphinx Theme
4. Cheat Sheet
The Gimmick
Lists and References
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Equations
List of Downloads
List of Issues (To-Do)
Li-Pro.Net Sphinx Primer
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