2.6.2. CircuiTikZ


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CircuiTikZ provides a set of macros for naturally typesetting electrical and electronic networks, designed as a tool that is easy to use by native to a lean LaTeX syntax. It has therefore been based on the very impressive PGF/TikZ package.

circuitikz/opamp-fullstab.tex 1, in Figure 2.10.


    (0,0) node[fd op amp] (opamp) {} node[left] {\(A1\)}
    % Input
    (opamp.-) node[circ] {} to[C, l_=\(C_s\)] ++(-1.5,0) node[ocirc] {} node[left] {\(v_i^-\)}
    (opamp.+) node[circ] {} to[C, l=\(C_s\)] ++(-1.5,0) node[ocirc] {} node[left] {\(v_i^+\)}
    % Feedback
    (opamp.-) -- ++(0,1)  to[C, l=\(C_f\)] ++(2,0) -| (opamp.out +) {}
    (opamp.+) -- ++(0,-1) to[C, l_=\(C_f\)] ++(2,0) -| (opamp.out -) {}
    % Output
    (opamp.out +) node[circ] {} -- ++(1,0) node[ocirc] {} node[right] {\(v_o^+\)}
    (opamp.out -) node[circ] {} -- ++(1,0) node[ocirc] {} node[right] {\(v_o^-\)}


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Figure 2.10 Full differential Op-Amp stabilization principles

circuitikz/opamp-inv.tex 2, in Figure 2.11.


%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Styles

\tikzset{% Environment Config
    MyArrow/.style={% Style for the current
        line width=1.0pt,
        shorten >= 5pt,
        shorten <= 1pt
    Vref/.style={% Style for the voltage reference
        postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.5 with {\node{\large #1};}}},
        postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.2 with {\node{\large $\bm{+}$};}}},
        postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.8 with {\node{\large $\bm{-}$};}}}
    Numbered/.style = {% Style for circle marks
            line width=1.0pt,
            inner sep=2pt,
            label distance=10pt

\ctikzset{bipoles/length=8mm} % Controls bipoles scale

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Components

\def\MyOpamp(#1)#2{% Customized opamp
        % Component Shape
        \draw[fill=cyan!25,line width = 2.0pt,line join=round] (0,0)++(-1,1.5)
            --++(2.5,-1.5) -- ++(-2.5,-1.5)-- cycle;
        % Label and component identifier.
        \draw(0,0) node{\sf\large A#2}; % IC LABEL
        % Draw the pins
        % Some that you have to learn about label nodes, draw lines, and name coordinates in Tikz
        \draw[line width = 1.0pt]
        (-1,0.75) node [anchor=180]{\large $\bm{-}$}
            -- ++(-0.5,0) coordinate (#2 IN-); % IN -
        \draw[line width = 1.0pt]
        (-1,-0.75) node [anchor=180]{\large $\bm{+}$}
            -- ++(-0.5,0) coordinate (#2 IN+); % IN +
        \draw[line width = 1.0pt]
            -- ++(0.5,0) coordinate (#2 OUT); % OUT

\def\MyGround(#1)#2{% Customized ground
        % Component Shape
        \draw[line width = 2.0pt,line cap=round]
        (0,0) coordinate (#2 GND)++(-0.3,0)--++(0.6,0);
%%      (0,-0.15)++(-0.2,0)--++(0.4,0)
%%      (0,-0.3)++(-0.1,0)--++(0.2,0);

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Schematic

% Put the customzed opamp in position

% Put some short nodes
\draw(-7,0.75) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](N3){};
\draw(-3,0.75) node[circ,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](N2){};
\draw(3,0) node[circ,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](N6){};
\draw(5.5,0) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](N6-OUT){};
\draw(-7,-2.5) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](G1){};
\draw(G1 -| N6-OUT) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.0pt](G3){};
\MyGround(1 GND -| N2){2}
\MyGround(1 GND -| N6-OUT){3}

% Draw the wires and pasive components
\draw[line width=1.0pt]
    to [R,l=\large$R_i$] (N2)
    --(1 IN-)
    --++(0,2) coordinate (N5)
    -| (N6)
(1 IN+)
    -|(2 GND)
    |-(1 GND)
(1 OUT)
    -- (N6-OUT)
    |-(3 GND);

% Voltage references: (1)
    -- (G1);

\draw[Vref=$0$ V,color=cyan]
(1 IN-)
    ++(-0.5,0) coordinate (temp)
    -- (1 IN+ -| temp)
    node [
        label={[Numbered,color=black]180:\bf 1}

    -- (G3)
    node [
        label={[Numbered,color=black,label distance=5pt]180:\bf 6}
    ]{$\bm{V_o} = 0-\cfrac{V_n}{R_i}R_f$};

% Draw voltages (virtual ground): (2)
    node [
        label={[Numbered,color=black,label distance=5pt]180:\bf 2}
    ](C1){$\bm{V_n} = 0$ \bf (Virtual ground)}
(C1.168) % Get a point from center to node box at 168 degrees
    to [out=80,in=-150] (N2);

% Draw currents: (3), (4), (5)
    -- ++(1.5,0)
    node [
        inner sep=10pt,
        label={[Numbered,color=black,label distance=0pt]180:\bf 3}
    ]{$\bm{i_1} = \cfrac{V_n}{R_i}$};

    -- ++(1.2,0)
    node [
        inner sep=10pt,
        label={[Numbered,color=black,label distance=0pt]12:\bf 4}

(N5)++(0.3,0.3) % Node gap
    -- ++(2,0) % Arrow longitude
    node [
        inner sep=10pt,
        label={[Numbered,color=black,label distance=0pt]180:\bf 5}
    ]{$\bm{i_2} = \bm{i_1} =\cfrac{\bm{V_n}}{R_i}$};

(C1 -| 3 GND)
    node [
        inner sep=10pt,
    ]{$\bm{V_o} = -\cfrac{R_f}{R_i}V_i$};

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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Figure 2.11 Detailed description of inverting Op-Amp principles

circuitikz/nmos-fet.tex 3, in Figure 2.12.


%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Styles

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Components

\newcommand{\metalone}{[pattern= horizontal lines, pattern color=blue]}
\newcommand{\metaltwo}{[pattern= vertical lines, pattern color=purple]}
\newcommand{\poly}{[pattern= grid, pattern color=red]}
\newcommand{\pdiff}{[pattern= north east lines, pattern color=orange]}
\newcommand{\ndiff}{[pattern= north west lines, pattern color=green]}
\newcommand{\pwell}{[pattern= crosshatch dots, pattern color=orange]}
\newcommand{\nwell}{[pattern= crosshatch dots, pattern color=green]}
\newcommand{\oxide}{[pattern = bricks, pattern color = olive]}
\newcommand{\silicon}{[fill = white]}
\newcommand{\metalthree}{[fill = teal]}

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Schematic

% General n-type MOSFET scheme
    \draw \pdiff (0,.25) -- (0,3) -- (1,3) -- (1,2.5) to [out=270,in=180] (1.5,2) -- (3.75,2) to [out=0,in=270] (4.25,2.5) -- (4.25,3) -- (6.75,3) -- (6.75,2.5) to [out=270,in=180] (7.25,2) -- (9.5,2) to [out=0,in=270] (10,2.5) -- (10,3) -- (11,3) -- (11,.25) -- (0,.25) node [midway,above] {p doped Si};
    \draw \metalthree (0,0) rectangle (11,.25) node [midway, color=white]
     {Si Substrate};
    \draw \oxide (4,3) rectangle (7,4) node [pos=.5,font=\bf\Large] {oxide};
    \draw \metalone (4,4) rectangle (7,4.5);
    \draw \ndiff (4.25,3) -- (1,3) -- (1,2.5) to [out=270,in=180] (1.5,2) -- (3.75,2) to [out=0,in=270] (4.25,2.5) -- (4.25,3) node at (2.625,2.5) [align=center] {n-type};
    \draw \ndiff (10,3) -- (6.75,3) -- (6.75,2.5) to [out=270,in=180] (7.25,2) -- (9.5,2) to [out=0,in=270] (10,2.5) -- (10,3) node at (8.375,2.5) [align=center] {n-type};
    \draw \metalone (1.25,3) rectangle (3,3.5);
    \draw \metalone (8,3) rectangle (9.75,3.5);

    % Label the metal connections on MOSFET
    \draw [->] (1,5) node [above] {Source} -- (2.125,3.5);
    \draw [->] (10,5) node [above] {Drain} -- (8.975,3.5);
    \draw [->] (5.5,5) node [above] {Gate} -- (5.5,4.5);

    \node at (5.5,-.5) [align=center] {$V_{GS} \geq V_{threshold}$};
    \node at (5.5,-1) [align=center] {$V_{DS} > V_{GS} - V_{threshold}$};

    \draw [fill=orange,orange] (4.25,3) rectangle (6.75,2.5);
    \draw [fill=white] (4.25,3) -- (4.25,2.85) -- (6.75,3) -- (4.75,3);
    \draw \ndiff (4.25,3) -- (4.25,2.85) -- (6.75,3) -- (4.75,3);

% General n-type MOSFET part
    \ctikzset{tripoles/mos style/arrows}
    \draw(-1.5,1.5) node[anchor=south](S){Source};
    \draw(0,1.5) node[anchor=south](G){Gate};
    \draw(1.5,1.5) node[anchor=south](D){Drain};
    \draw (0,0) node [nmos,rotate=-90](Q1){\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{n-type MOSFET}};
    \draw[line width=1.0pt,-o] (Q1.S) -| (S);
    \draw[line width=1.0pt,-o] (Q1.G) -| (G);
    \draw[line width=1.0pt,-o] (Q1.D) -| (D);

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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Figure 2.12 Drawing generic n-type MOSFET chip structure

circuitikz/ne555-deedah.tex 4, in Figure 2.13.


%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Styles

%% [x=20pt,y=20pt]
\tikzset{% Environment Config

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% This code is from Claudio Fiandrino and ads new label styles to
%% allow aditional labels like two line descriptions. Comes from:
%% --> https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/65792/154390
\ctikzset{lx/.code args={#1 and #2}{ 
  \pgfkeys{/tikz/circuitikz/bipole/label/name=\parbox{1cm}{\centering #1 \\ #2}}
\ctikzset{lx^/.style args={#1 and #2}{
  lx=#2 and #1,
\ctikzset{lx_/.style args={#1 and #2}{
  lx=#1 and #2,

\ctikzset{bipoles/length=10mm} % Controls bipoles scale

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Components

% You can create an smart objet like Henri Menke in this post:
% --> http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/4-bit-counter/
% Variables: 1: Position 2: ID.
        \draw[fill=blue!10] (-1.5,-2) rectangle (1.5,2); % The body of IC
        % Label and component identifier.
        \draw[blue] (2,2.5) node []{\large \bf U#2}; % IC LABEL
        \draw[blue] (0,0.5) node [align=center]{\large NE555\\TIMER}; % IC LABEL
        % Draw the pins
        % Some that you have to learn about label nodes, draw lines, and name coordinates in Tikz
        \draw (0.9,-2) node [above]{GND} -- +(0,-0.5) node [anchor=-45]{1} coordinate (#2 GND); % Pin 1 GND
        \draw (-1.5,-1.5) node [right]{TRG} -- +(-0.5,0) node [anchor=-135]{2} coordinate (#2 TRG); % Pin 2 TRG
        \draw (1.5,0) node [left]{OUT} -- +(0.5,0) node [anchor=-45]{3} coordinate (#2 OUT); % Pin 3 OUT  
        \draw (0.9,2) node [below]{RESET} -- +(0,0.5) node [anchor=45]{4} coordinate (#2 RESET); % Pin 4 RESET
        \draw (0,-2) node [above]{CTRL} -- +(0,-0.5) node [anchor=-45]{5} coordinate (#2 CTRL); % Pin 5 CTRL
        \draw (-1.5,-.5) node [right]{THR} -- +(-0.5,0) node [anchor=-135]{6} coordinate (#2 THR); % Pin 6 THR
        \draw (-1.5,1.5) node [right]{DIS} -- +(-0.5,0) node [anchor=-135]{7} coordinate (#2 DIS); % Pin 7 DIS
        \draw (0,2) node [below]{$\mathsf{V_{CC}}$} -- +(0,0.5) node [anchor=45]{8} coordinate (#2 VCC); % Pin 8 VCC

% This is by J. Leon V. and adaption by me
% Variables: 1: Position 2: ID.
        \draw[fill=green!40!black!50] (-.2,.3) rectangle (.2,-.3); % The body of IC
        \draw[fill=green!40!black!30] (.2,.3) -- ++(.2,.3) -- ++(0,-1.2) -- (.2,-0.3) -- (.2,.3); % The body of IC
        % Label and component identifier.
        \draw[blue] (-1.25,0.25) node []{\large \bf E#2}; % PART LABEL
        \draw[blue] (-1.25,-.25) node [align=center]{\large Speaker}; % PART LABEL
        % Component value.
        \draw[blue] (-1.25,-.75) node [align=center]{8\si{\ohm}}; % PART VALUE
        % Draw the pins
        % Some that you have to learn about label nodes, draw lines, and name coordinates in Tikz
        \draw (0,.3)  -- +(0,0.5) node [anchor=45]{1} coordinate (#2 S1); % Pin 1 
        \draw (0,-0.3)  -- +(0,-0.5) node [anchor=-45]{2} coordinate (#2 S2); % Pin 2 

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Schematic: drawing the circuit: Example "Dee-Dah" Siren

% Place the IC's in position

% Start conecting 
\draw[color=blue!50] (-4,3.5) % Start point
    node [anchor=east]{$\mathsf{V_{CC}}$}
    to [short,o-] ++(1,0) coordinate (NOD1) % Use auxiliar coordinate (NOD1)
    to [R,lx^=68k\si{\ohm} and R1,color=black,*-*] (1 DIS -| NOD1) % to the point in the intersection between NOD1 and 1 DIS
    to [R,lx^=68k\si{\ohm} and R2,color=black,*-*] (1 THR -| NOD1)% idem
    to [short,*-*] (1 TRG -| NOD1)
    to [eC,lx^=10\si{\mu}F and C1,color=black,*-*] (-3,-5)
    to [short,*-o] ++(-1,0) coordinate (GND)
    node [anchor=east]{GND};

\draw[color=blue] (1 DIS)
    to [short,-] (1 DIS -| NOD1)
    to [short,-] ++(-.7,0) coordinate (NOD2)
    to [D,lx_=D1 and IN4148,color=black] (1 THR -| NOD2) % Here is used Fiandrino macro!
    to [short,-] (1 THR);

\draw[color=blue!50] (NOD1) 
    to [short,-*] ++(6,0) coordinate (NOD3) % Use auxiliar coordinate (NOD1)
    to [R,lx^=68k\si{\ohm} and R3,color=black,*-*] (1 DIS -| NOD3) % to the point in the intersection between NOD3 and 1 DIS
    to [R,lx^=68k\si{\ohm} and R4,color=black,*-*] (1 THR -| NOD3)% idem
    to [short,*-*] (1 TRG -| NOD3)
    to [short,-] ++(0,-2)
    to [eC,lx^=100nF and C3,color=black,-*] (NOD3 |- GND) coordinate (NOD4)
    to [short,-] (GND);

\draw[color=blue] (1 OUT)
    to[R,lx=R5 and 10k\si{\ohm},label/align=rotate,color=black] ++(0,-3) coordinate (NOD5)
    to [short] (2 CTRL |- NOD5)
    to [short] (2 CTRL);    

\draw[color=blue] (2 OUT)
    to[pC,lx^=100\si{\mu}F and C4,invert,color=black] (2 OUT -| 1 S1)
    to [pR,l_=Rx,color=black] (1 S1); 

%Conect U1
\draw[color=blue] (1 VCC) to [short,-*] (1 VCC |- NOD1);
\draw[color=blue] (1 RESET) to [short,-*] (1 RESET |- NOD1);
\draw[color=blue] (1 TRG) to [short,-*] (1 TRG -| NOD1);
\draw[color=blue] (1 CTRL) to [eC,lx_=C2 and 0.01nF,-*,color=black] (1 CTRL |- GND);
\draw[color=blue] (1 GND) to [short,-*] (1 GND |- GND);

%Conect U2
\draw[color=blue] (2 VCC) to [short,-*] (2 VCC |- NOD3);
\draw[color=blue] (2 RESET) to [short,-] (2 RESET |- NOD3) to [short] (NOD3);
\draw[color=blue] (2 TRG) to [short,-*] (2 TRG -| NOD3);
\draw[color=blue] (2 GND) to [short,-*] (2 GND |- GND);
\draw[color=blue] (2 DIS) to [short] (2 DIS -| NOD3);
\draw[color=blue] (2 THR) to [short] (2 THR -| NOD3);

% Conect E1
\draw[color=blue] (1 S2) |- (NOD3 |- GND);

% Decorate ground and VCC
\draw[color=blue] (GND -| NOD3) -- ++(0,-0.2)node[rground]{};
\draw[color=blue] (NOD3) -- ++(0,0.2) node[vcc]{$\mathsf{V_{CC}}$ (+5 to 15V)};

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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% coding: utf-8
% mode: text
% mode: rst
% End:
% vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=tex :

Figure 2.13 NE555 timer as “Dee-Dah” siren

circuitikz/breadboard.tex 5, in Figure 2.14.


%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Styles

\tikzset{% Environment Config
    open socket/.style = {
        fill = lightgray,
        draw = lightgray,
        inner sep = 1pt
    filled socket/.style = {
        fill = black,
        draw = lightgray,
        inner sep = 1pt
    strip/.style = {
        opacity = 0.1,
        line cap = round,
        line join = round,
        line width = 6pt
    wire/.style = {
        decoration = {
            random steps,
            amplitude = 2pt,
            segment length = 0.2in
        line cap = round,
        line join = round,
        line width = 2pt

\ctikzset{bipoles/length=0.4in} % Controls bipoles scale

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Components

\newcommand{\speaker}[2]{% #1 = name from to[generic,n=#1], #2 = rotation angle
        (#1) +(.3,.375) -- +(1.05,1.125) -- +(1.05,-1.125) -- +(.3,-.375);

% You can create an smart objet like Henri Menke in this post:
% --> http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/4-bit-counter/
% Variables: 1: Position 2: Lines.
        \foreach \y [evaluate = \y as \line using int(abs(\y))]
                 in {-1,-2,-3,...,-#2}{%% draw breadboard sections

            % draw bus and breadboard grid sockets
            \foreach \lab/\x in {
                    l-/-9.5, lg/-8.5,       % power strips on left side
                    A/-5.5, B/-4.5, C/-3.5, D/-2.5, E/-1.5, % left side
                    F/1.5, G/2.5, H/3.5, I/4.5, J/5.5,     % right side
                    r+/8.5, rg/9.5         % power strips on right side
            } {
                \coordinate [open socket] (\lab\line) at (\x, \y);

            % draw row connectivity for board proper
            \begin{scope} [% these paths should not interfere with anything else
                on background layer
                \draw [strip,gray]
                    (A\line.west) -- (E\line.east)
                    (F\line.west) -- (J\line.east);

            % draw line numbers off to the left
            \node [left of = l-\line,text=gray] {\line};
            \node [right of = rg\line,text=gray] {\line};

        % draw bus connection lines
        \begin{scope} [% these paths should not interfere with anything else
            on background layer
            \draw [strip,red]  (l-1.north) -- (l-#2.south);
            \draw [strip,blue] (lg1.north) -- (lg#2.south);
            \draw [strip,red]  (r+1.north) -- (r+#2.south);
            \draw [strip,blue] (rg1.north) -- (rg#2.south);

        % label breadboard columns (top/bottom)
        \foreach \lab/\x in {
                A/-5.5, B/-4.5, C/-3.5, D/-2.5, E/-1.5, % left side
                F/1.5, G/2.5, H/3.5, I/4.5, J/5.5      % right side
        } {
            \node [above of = \lab1] {\lab};
            \node [below of = \lab#2] {\lab};

        % label buses (top)
        \node [above of=l-1,red] {\shortstack{\tiny{V$_{-}$}\\\Large{${+}$}}};
        \node [above of=lg1,blue] {\shortstack{\tiny{GND$_{}$}\\\Large{${-}$}}};
        \node [above of=r+1,red] {\shortstack{\tiny{V$_{+}$}\\\Large{${+}$}}};
        \node [above of=rg1,blue] {\shortstack{\tiny{GND$_{}$}\\\Large{${-}$}}};

        % label buses (bottom)
        \node [below of=l-#2,red] {\shortstack{\Large{${+}$}\\\tiny{V$_{-}$}}};
        \node [below of=lg#2,blue] {\shortstack{\Large{${-}$}\\\tiny{GND$_{}$}}};
        \node [below of=r+#2,red] {\shortstack{\Large{${+}$}\\\tiny{V$_{+}$}}};
        \node [below of=rg#2,blue] {\shortstack{\Large{${-}$}\\\tiny{GND$_{}$}}};

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Schematic: drawing the breadboard and place the parts

% Place the Breadboard in position
\draw[red,wire] (l-28) to[short,*-*] (r+28);
\draw[blue,wire] (lg29) to[short,*-*] (rg29);

% Power Supply (Vcc)
\draw (l-10) ++(-6,0) coordinate (VCC) to[V=$\mathsf{V_{CC}}$,i_=$\mathsf{I_{CC}}$,*-*] ++(0,-10) coordinate (GND);
\draw[red,wire] (VCC) to[short,*-*] (l-10);
\draw[blue,wire] (GND) to[short,*-*] (lg20);

% Place the IC's in position
\node[dip8,pin spacing=0.2in,rotate=-90] (U1) at (0,-5.5) {\MakeUppercase{U1:NE555}};
\draw (U1.p1) to[short,-*] (E4); \draw[blue,wire] (A4) to[short,*-*] (lg4);
\draw (U1.p2) to[short,-*] (E5);
\draw (U1.p3) to[short,-*] (E6);
\draw (U1.p4) to[short,-*] (E7); \draw[red,wire] (A7) to[short,*-*] (l-7);
\draw (U1.p5) to[short,-*] (F7);
\draw (U1.p6) to[short,-*] (F6);
\draw (U1.p7) to[short,-*] (F5);
\draw (U1.p8) to[short,-*] (F4); \draw[red,wire] (J4) to[short,*-*] (r+4);

\node[dip8,pin spacing=0.2in,rotate=-90] (U2) at (0,-15.5) {\MakeUppercase{U2:NE555}};
\draw (U2.p1) to[short,-*] (E14); \draw[blue,wire] (A14) to[short,*-*] (lg14);
\draw (U2.p2) to[short,-*] (E15);
\draw (U2.p3) to[short,-*] (E16);
\draw (U2.p4) to[short,-*] (E17); \draw[red,wire] (A17) to[short,*-*] (l-17);
\draw (U2.p5) to[short,-*] (F17);
\draw (U2.p6) to[short,-*] (F16);
\draw (U2.p7) to[short,-*] (F15);
\draw (U2.p8) to[short,-*] (F14); \draw[red,wire] (J14) to[short,*-*] (r+14);

% Start conecting (U1)
\draw[violet,wire] (H1) to[short,*-*] (H6);
\draw[violet,wire] (E1) to[short,*-*] (F1);
\draw[violet,wire] (D5) to[short,*-*] (D1);

% Start conecting (U2)
\draw[violet,wire] (E11) to[short,*-*] (F11);
\draw[violet,wire] (H11) to[short,*-*] (H16);
\draw[violet,wire] (D15) to[short,*-*] (D11);

% Start inter-conecting (U1-U2-Speaker)
\draw[green,wire] (D6) to[short,*-*] (D9);
\draw[green,wire] (I9) to[short,*-*] (I17);
\draw[green,wire] (D16) to[short,*-*] (D19);

% Place parts (U1)
\draw (I5) to[D,l_=D1:IN4148,*-*] (I1);
\draw (G5) to[R,l^=R2:68k\si{\ohm},*-*] (G1);
\draw (J5) to[R,l_=R1:68k\si{\ohm},*-*] (r+5);
\draw (A5) to[eC,l^=C1:10\si{\mu}F,*-*] (lg5);
\draw (J7) to[eC,l_=C2:0.01nF,*-*] (rg7);
\draw (F9) to[R,l^=R5:10k\si{\ohm},*-*] (E9);

% Place parts (U2)
\draw (G15) to[R,l^=R4:68k\si{\ohm},*-*] (G11);
\draw (J15) to[R,l_=R3:68k\si{\ohm},*-*] (r+15);
\draw (A15) to[eC,l^=C3:100nF,*-*] (lg15);
\draw (F19) to[pC,l^=C4:100\si{\mu}F,*-*] (E19);

% Place parts (E1)
\draw[green,wire] (I21) to[short,*-*] (I23);
\draw (G19) to[pR,n=Rx,l_=Rx,*-*] (G23);
\draw (Rx.wiper) to[short,-*] (H21);
\draw (lg23) to[generic,n=E1,l=E1:8\si{\ohm},fill=green!50,*-*] (F23);

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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Figure 2.14 Breadboard with NE555 timer as “Dee-Dah” siren

circuitikz/lpc214x-lqfp64.tex 6, in Figure 2.15.


Native support only since CircuiTikZ V0.9 (Oct 2019).


%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Styles

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% My Customized Components

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Schematic: drawing the package

\node[qfp64,pin spacing=3.5mm] (U1) at (0,0) {\MakeUppercase{lpc2144/2146/2148}};
\node[left] at (U1.p1) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.21/pwm5/ad1.6/cap1.3}};
\node[left] at (U1.p2) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.22/ad1.7/cap0.0/mat0.0}};
\node[left] at (U1.p3) {\small \MakeUppercase{rtcx1}};
\node[left] at (U1.p4) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.19/tracepkt3}};
\node[left] at (U1.p5) {\small \MakeUppercase{rtcx2}};
\node[left] at (U1.p6) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ss}}};
\node[left] at (U1.p7) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{dda}}};
\node[left] at (U1.p8) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.18/tracepkt2}};
\node[left] at (U1.p9) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.25/ad0.4/aout}};
\node[left] at (U1.p10) {\small \MakeUppercase{d$+$}};
\node[left] at (U1.p11) {\small \MakeUppercase{d$-$}};
\node[left] at (U1.p12) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.17/tracepkt1}};
\node[left] at (U1.p13) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.28/ad0.1/cap0.2/mat0.2}};
\node[left] at (U1.p14) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.29/ad0.2/cap0.3/mat0.3}};
\node[left] at (U1.p15) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.30/ad0.3/eint3/cap0.0}};
\node[left] at (U1.p16) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.16/tracepkt0}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p17) {\small \MakeUppercase{P0.31/up\textunderscore{ }led/connect}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p18) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ss}}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p19) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.0/txd0/pwm1}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p20) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.31/\textoverline{trst}}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p21) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.1/rxd0/pwm3/eint0}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p22) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.2/scl0/cap0.0}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p23) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{dd}}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p24) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.26/rtck}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p25) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ss}}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p26) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.3/sda0/mat0.0/ad0.6}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p27) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.4/sck0/mat0.1/ad0.6}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p28) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.25/extin0}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p29) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.5/miso0/mat0.1/ad0.7}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p30) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.6/mosi0/cap0.2/ad1.0}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p31) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.7/ssel0/pwm2/eint2}};
\node[left,rotate=90] at (U1.p32) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.24/traceclk}};
\node[right] at (U1.p33) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.8/txd1/pwm4/ad1.1}};
\node[right] at (U1.p34) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.9/rxd1/pwm6/eint3}};
\node[right] at (U1.p35) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.10/rts1/cap1.0/ad1.2}};
\node[right] at (U1.p36) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.23/pipestat2}};
\node[right] at (U1.p37) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.11/cts1/cap1.1/scl1}};
\node[right] at (U1.p38) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.12/dsr1/mat1.0/ad1.3}};
\node[right] at (U1.p39) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.13/dtr1/mat1.1/ad1.4}};
\node[right] at (U1.p40) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.22/pipestat1}};
\node[right] at (U1.p41) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.14/dcd1/eint1/sda1}};
\node[right] at (U1.p42) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ss}}};
\node[right] at (U1.p43) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{dd}}};
\node[right] at (U1.p44) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.21/pipestat0}};
\node[right] at (U1.p45) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.15/ri1/eint2/ad1.5}};
\node[right] at (U1.p46) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.16/eint0/mat0.2/cap0.2}};
\node[right] at (U1.p47) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.17/cap1.2/sck1/mat1.2}};
\node[right] at (U1.p48) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.20/tracesync}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p49) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{bat}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p50) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ss}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p51) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{dd}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p52) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.30/tms}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p53) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.18/cap1.3/miso1/mat1.3}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p54) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.19/mat1.2/mosi1/cap1.2}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p55) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.20/mat1.3/ssel1/eint3}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p56) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.29/tck}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p57) {\small \MakeUppercase{\textoverline{reset}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p58) {\small \MakeUppercase{p0.23/V\textsubscript{bus}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p59) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{ssa}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p60) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.28/tdi}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p61) {\small \MakeUppercase{xtal2}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p62) {\small \MakeUppercase{xtal1}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p63) {\small \MakeUppercase{V\textsubscript{aef}}};
\node[right,rotate=90] at (U1.p64) {\small \MakeUppercase{p1.27/tdo}};

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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Figure 2.15 LPC2144/2146/2148 pin assignment on LQFP64



Indication of provenance: StackExchange (TeX): q/82797 (Kit)


Indication of provenance: StackExchange (TeX): a/441787 (J Leon V., BSD, MIT, Beerware licences)


Indication of provenance: http://wesleythoneycutt.com/drawing-mosfet-in-tikz/ (by Wesley T. Honeycutt)


Indication of provenance: StackExchange (TeX): a/435123 (J Leon V., BSD, MIT, Beerware licences)


Indication of provenance: StackExchange (TeX): q/493239 (Anshul Singhvi)


Indication of provenance: StackExchange (TeX): a/202449 (John Kormylo)