2.7.3. Activity Diagram¶
sphinxcontrib-actdiag is a Sphinx extension for embedding
activity diagrams. You can embed activity diagrams with the .. actdiag::`
- PyPI Package
- Documentation
- Git Repository
Sphinx extension for embedding activity diagrams using actdiag.
- Features
Generate activity-diagram from dot like text (basic feature).
Multilingualism for node-label (utf-8 only).
Directive Body Diagram¶
.. actdiag::
¶ For more details, see sphinxcontrib-actdiag in the extension demonstration and the
in the extension Git repository.- The example
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.. actdiag:: :align: center :scale: 75 actdiag { A -> B -> C -> D; lane foo { A; B; } lane bar { C; D; } }
- Which gives
Description Table¶
- the example
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.. actdiag:: :align: center :scale: 75 :desctable: actdiag { A -> B -> C; A [description = "browsers in each client"]; B [description = "web server"]; C [description = "database server"]; }
- which gives
browsers in each client
web server
database server
Include Diagram¶
- the example
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.. blockdiag:: actdiag/example.diag :caption: Style attributes to frames and nodes (Activity Diagram example) :align: center :scale: 75 :width: 480
- which gives
Figure 2.48 Style attributes to frames and nodes (Activity Diagram example)¶
- which needs
The example above comes from the original Sample diagrams web page and processed the following file content:
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actdiag { write -> convert -> image; lane user { label = "User"; write [label = "Writing reST"]; image [label = "Get diagram IMAGE"]; } lane actdiag { convert [label = "Convert reST to Image"]; } }