2.7.1. Block Diagram¶
sphinxcontrib-blockdiag is a Sphinx extension for embedding
block diagrams. You can embed block diagrams with the .. blockdiag::
- PyPI Package
- Documentation
- Git Repository
Sphinx extension for embedding block diagrams using blockdiag.
- Features
Generate block-diagram from dot like text (basic feature).
Multilingualism for node-label (utf-8 only).
Directive Body Diagram¶
.. blockdiag::
¶ For more details, see sphinxcontrib-blockdiag in the extension demonstration and the
in the extension Git repository.- The example
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.. blockdiag:: :align: center blockdiag { A -> B -> C; B -> D; }
- Which gives
Description Table¶
- the example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.. blockdiag:: :align: center :desctable: blockdiag { A -> B -> C; A [description = "browsers in each client"]; B [description = "web server"]; C [description = "database server"]; }
- which gives
browsers in each client
web server
database server
Include Diagram¶
- the example
1 2 3 4
.. blockdiag:: blockdiag/example.diag :caption: Style attributes to nodes and edges (Block Diagram example) :align: center :width: 480
- which gives
Figure 2.46 Style attributes to nodes and edges (Block Diagram example)¶
- which needs
The example above comes from the original Sample diagrams web page and processed the following file content:
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blockdiag { // Set boder-style, backgroun-color and text-color to nodes. A [style = dotted]; B [style = dashed]; C [color = pink, style = "3,3,3,3,15,3"]; //dashed_array format style D [shape = circle, color = "#888888", textcolor="#FFFFFF"]; // Set border-style and color to edges. A -> B [style = dotted]; B -> C [style = dashed]; C -> D [color = "red", style = "3,3,3,3,15,3"]; //dashed_array format style // Set numbered-badge to nodes. E [numbered = 99]; // Set background image to nodes (and erase label). F [label = "", background = "https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/raw/master/doc/_static/sphinx.png"]; G [label = "", background = "https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo-master-v3-TM.png"]; H [icon = "https://github.com/blockdiag/blockdiag.com/raw/master/sources/en/_static/help-browser.png"]; I [icon = "https://github.com/blockdiag/blockdiag.com/raw/master/sources/en/_static/internet-mail.png"]; J [shape = actor] // Set arrow direction to edges. E -> F [dir = none, label = edge]; F -> G [dir = forward]; G -> H [dir = back]; group { orientation = portrait; color = lightgray; H -> I [dir = both]; } // Set width and height to nodes. K [width = 192]; // default value is 128 L [shape = square, height = 64]; // default value is 40 // Use thick line J -> K [thick] K -> L; }